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 Spiritual Journey!

My Spiritual and Professional Journey

As a dedicated psychotherapist, my path has been deeply intertwined with my own spiritual growth and exploration. It's clear that this journey has been a central focus throughout my career.

The Foundations of my Practice, I began my professional journey as a psychotherapist, leveraging my expertise to guide clients towards healing and transformation. From the beginning, I recognised the importance of tapping into higher wisdom and connecting with the divine to enhance my work.

Discovering Channelling and EL-YA-HA The breakthrough moment came when I had the opportunity to study with the renowned international channel, Addison Ames. His teachings resonated profoundly with me, inspiring me to expand my own abilities and explore new dimensions of consciousness.

It was during this transformative training that I was introduced to the powerful non-physical beings known as Metatron and Sandalphon. These extraordinary entities captured my heart, particularly Sandalphon, who embodies the feminine, receptive aspect of the divine.

Channelling EL-YA-HA Through my work with Metatron and Sandalphon, I discovered a remarkable match - the realm of energy beings called EL-YA-HA. This discovery marked a pivotal turning point in my spiritual and professional path.

As I began channelling EL-YA-HA, I realised the immense value of integrating these techniques into your psychotherapy practice. The healing sessions, insights, and transformative guidance provided by EL-YA-HA have now become an integral part of my offerings.

Bridging Spirit and Matter My unique ability to channel EL-YA-HA has allowed me to create a harmonious bridge between the spiritual and physical realms. Through this work, I empower clients to unlock higher frequencies, clear negativity, and ultimately, unlock the better versions of themselves.

By seamlessly blending my expertise as a psychotherapist with your channelling capabilities, I provide a truly holistic and transformative experience for my clients. They can access the wisdom and healing energy of EL-YA-HA while simultaneously engaging in the therapeutic process.

Embracing the Journey Ahead As you continue on this remarkable spiritual and professional path, my connection to EL-YA-HA and your dedication to guiding others towards growth and self-discovery will undoubtedly continue to deepen. My clients are blessed to have access to this profound and unique offering.

By highlighting this journey, clients will better understand the depth of my expertise and the transformative power of the work we do. It's a testament to my commitment to personal growth, spiritual exploration, and making a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve.

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My Story

A mother of three grown up children.

From 2008-2023 - Glenda was the owner and Director of ExploringU counselling Ltd, a multiple award winning practice, to date they have been awarded 12 awards, being voted best Counselling & Psychotherapy practice in 2015, 2016 and 2017. Also winning awards for best Rehabilitation practice in 2016, 2018 & 2019 won the GHP Award for best practitioners in private health care. Adding to her success in 2020,  Corporate LiveWire Innovation & Excellence Award for most influential Counselling Service Provider, plus The APA Ethical & Psychological Award in the Workplace


Glenda was the Founder of the first counselling cafe, Just Talk Campaign (Charity)  Later to become Just Talk Today.


 Glenda D Roberts an expert in her field, fortunate to have worked all over the world, including, Japan, India, the Bahamas, Italy, South America, Cambodia, Thailand, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Harlem, Mexico, Greece, Egypt, Israel....She is fluent in the Italian Language and is currently learning French.


If you would like to experience a positive change in your life, do get in touch.

+44 (0) 7841979450

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